Dear Reader,
I'm glad that this book has found its way into your hands. It was not by accidnet but by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. During the past few years my eyes have been opened to a great need. This need is for Christians to be grounded in The Faith. Hebrews 5:12-14 speaks of Christians who should be teachers but need to be taught in the first principles of the Word of God. Therefore, God moved on my heart to put together this booklet: Study Guide for Doctrines of the Faith.
This may seem repetitious, but Isaiah 28:10-13 says that is what we need to grow in faith. My prayer is that this guide will be simple to understand and help you to learn the basic doctrines. Jude 3 says for us to contend for The Faith. May I ask how can we contend when we don't know what The Faith is?
If every Christian in our churches knew these basic doctrines, they would stand stronger. Our churches would be stronger. Our nation would be stronger, and this would be a better world in which to live. I challenge you to learn the truths outlined in the next few pages. So with the Word of God, the Bible, in your hand and a prayer in your heart, ask God to show you the truth, sit down, and "Study to shew thyself approved unto God." II Timothy 2:15.
Because of Calvary,
Edgar Lee Paschall
Pastor, New Hope Baptist Church
Teachings of the Bible
A. What is a scriptural New Testament Church?
1. A church is a group of baptized believers who meet together to glorify God. It is not the building where the people meet. The English word church comes from the Greek word ekklesia which means "that which is called out". All saved people are in the family of God, which is not yet called out. They will be in I Thess. 4:13‑18. Therefore, the church is local and visible, not universal and invisible. I Cor. 11:18 says "when the church come together" and the only ones who can come together, at this present time, are the people in the local church.
2. To be a scriptural New Testament Church, it must teach the gospel of Christ which is the power of God unto salvation. Rom. 1:16. The gospel of Christ is defined as the death, for my sins, burial and resurrection of Jesus in I Cor. 15:1‑4. Any "so called" church that teaches any other gospel is cursed according to Gal. 1:8‑9.
3. To be a scriptural New Testament Church it must teach the whole counsel of God for pure wholesome living. Acts 20:27.
B. Upon whom is the church built?
1. The church is built upon Jesus the Rock. Mat. 16:18.
2. The church is not built upon Peter as some claim. Peter wasn't a Pope because he had a wife. Mat. 8:14‑15; Mark 1:29:30; Luke 4:38‑39.
C. When was the church started?
1. The church was started during Jesus' earthly ministry.
a. The specific time of the church's beginning was when Jesus called unto him 12 apostles and ordained them. Mark 3:13‑14.
b. I Cor. 12:28 proves that the church began with a nucleus of 12 apostles.
2. The church did not begin on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2:47 states that those saved were added to the church. You can't add to the church unless the church is already in existence. On the day of Pentecost, the church was empowered by the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
D. How does one join the local church?
1. A person joins the church by scriptural baptism which is studied under Doctrine II. B. One cannot have scriptural baptism without joining the church. Also, one can't join the church without scriptural baptism.
2. One can transfer his membership from another scriptural New Testament Church of like faith if they have had scriptural baptism administered at the other church.
E. What was given to the church?
1. The Great Commission ‑ Mat. 28:19‑20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46‑47; John 20:21; Acts 1:8. The word commission means authorization to perform certain duties. This is discussed in Doctrine II.
2. Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven ‑ Mat. 16:19. Keys represent the ability to transact business between heaven and earth during Jesus' absences. The Keys are:
a. Prayer ‑ Jesus our High Priest sits on the right hand of God making intercession. Heb. 7:24‑25. By prayer we can come boldly before the throne of grace. Heb. 4:16.
b. Holy Spirit ‑ He abides within every believer since the day of Pentecost.
c. Word of God ‑ The Bible was completed about A.D. 96 when John wrote the book of Revelation. It is sharp (Heb. 4:12) and our offensive weapon (Eph. 6:17) to be used to bind and loose things on earth (Mat. 16:19).
3. Church Covenant ‑ It is not scripture, but is scriptural in content. Found on the next page.
Having been led, as we believe by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and, on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our deportment; to avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale of, and use of, intoxicating drinks as a beverage; to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and Christian courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Saviour to secure it without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.
F. How should the church be supported?
1. Tithes - They are scriptural.
a. What is a tithe?
1) A tithe is a tenth part of the first fruit of the increase. Gen. 14:20; Gen. 28:22; Pro. 3:9‑10.
2) A tithe is a debt we owe to God and honest Christians pay their debts.
b. Tithing was before the law.
1) Abraham started tithing by faith. Gen.14:20.
2) Jacob continued tithing by faith. Gen. 28:22.
c. Tithing was during the law.
1) Moses incorporated tithing into the law. Lev. 27:30.
2) Nehemiah restored tithing after captivity. Neh. 13:11‑12.
3) Malachi commanded tithing. Mal. 3:10.
d. Tithing is after the law.
1) Jesus commended tithing. Mat. 23:23.
2) Paul explained tithing. Heb. 7:4‑10.
e. Where are we to pay our tithes? God says to bring (not send) our tithe to the local church (storehouse). Mal. 3:10.
f. What is the result of failing to pay our tithes? We become cursed. Mal. 3:8‑9.
g. There are promises we can claim if we pay our tithes. Mal. 3:10‑11; Pro. 3:9‑10.
2. Offerings ‑ An offering is what you give to the Lord. Man has not given anything until he pays his tithe.
a. How are we to give?
1) Cheerfully ‑ II Cor. 9:6‑8.
2) Regularly ‑ I Cor. 16:2.
b. What we are to give for:
1) Support of the pastor ‑ I Cor. 9:7‑14; I Tim. 5:17.
2) Expenses of the church.
3) Missions ‑ to carry the gospel to every creature and all nations. Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8.
c. We are commanded by God to give ‑ Heb. 13:16 ‑ Communicate means to share what God has given you with other so they may know the saving power of the Lord Jesus.
A. The first part of the Great Commission says to teach. This teach means to make disciples and involves preaching. I Cor. 1:21; Rom. 10:13-15.
1. Who are we to teach and preach? The lost in all nations. Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15.
2. What are we to teach? We are to teach the lost man that Salvation is of the Lord and impossible with man. Mat. 19:26.
a. The natural lost man neither wants, seeks, nor understands God. I Cor. 2:14; Rom. 3:10‑12,18; Isa. 64:6‑7. He is blinded to truth (light; II Cor. 4:3‑4) and his heart has deceived him. Jer. 17:9.
b. All mankind knows there is a God from:
1) A conscience: placed inside every man by God. Rom. 1:19.
2) The Creation of God: placed for man to see the Godhead. Rom. 1:20; Psa. 19:1.
3) Light is given to every man. John 1:9.
c. For man to be saved, he must first be reproved of sin, righteousness, and judgement. This is generally referred to as "conviction", which is the work of the Holy Spirit, (John 16:7‑11) because conscience and creation, by themselves, will not convict man. The Holy Spirit reproves and convicts of the "sin" of unbelief which is the root problem of all "sins". John 16:9. Unbelief is the only sin that will send one to hell. John 3:18; Rom. 6:23a. NOTE: sin is singular. Many say they have believed about Jesus all their lives, but that is intellectual faith not saving faith. Therefore the Holy Spirit must convict you of the sin of unbelief, that you have never believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
d. Lost man must realize that he is a sinner by nature and choice. Rom. 3:10; 3:12; 3:23; 5:12; Isa. 64:6.
e. Lost man must recognize his destination will be hell without Jesus. This is being convicted by the Holy Spirit of judgement, the same judgement as the prince of the world (devil) has upon him = lake of fire. Rom 6:23a. Wages mean payment for the sin of unbelief, and death means the second death or eternal separation from God. In fact every lost man is separated from God while still in this body, which is what it means to be lost.
f. Godly sorrow is then produced by the Holy Spirit, which causes you to be sorry for your sin of unbelief. This brings about a mourning and works repentance. II Cor. 7:9‑10.
g. Repentance must come to one before he will be saved. Luke 24:47; 13:3,5.
1) Repentance is not:
a) Religion ‑ joining a church or being baptized.
b) Reformation ‑ living a better life, or turning over a new leaf.
c) Remorse ‑ being sorry that you got caught in your sins.
2) Repentance is:
a) Turning around ‑ Acts 26:20.
b) Change of mind ‑ taking up sides with God against yourself.
c) Change of attitude in your heart.
3) God commands repentance ‑ Acts 17:30.
4) The saints in I Thess. 1:9 are an example.
h. Godly sorrow works in you till you come to the "end of yourself" and recognize you are hopeless and helpless within yourself. In other words you cannot save yourself and neither can any other man, preacher included, neither can works. Eph. 2:9; Titus 3:5.
i. Then the Holy Spirit reproves of righteousness, (John 16:8,10) who is Jesus (I Cor. 1:30) the door. John 10:9.
1) This righteousness was witnessed by the law and prophets (Old Testament scripture) to all. Rom. 3:21‑22.
2) This righteousness is revealed by the gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation. Rom. 1:16‑17.
3) The Gospel of Christ is defined by Paul as the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. I Cor. 15:1‑4.
4) There is only one gospel and if any other gospel is preached or received they will be cursed. Gal. 1:8‑9. This means they who preach another gospel have never been saved and are on their way to hell and they who receive any other gospel are deceived, still lost, and have the wrath of God abiding upon them. John 3:36.
j. This righteousness is only upon those who exercise faith. Rom. 3:22.
1) Faith is defined in Heb 11:1.
2) Faith is a gift. Eph. 2:8‑9; John 3:27.
3) Faith comes through the word. Rom. 10:17.
4) Faith is trusting and committing to Jesus as Lord. Eph. 1:13; Rom. 10:13; I Cor. 12:3.
5) At the point saving faith is exercised:
a) One's spirit is quickened (made alive). Eph. 2:1,5.
b) Righteousness is imputed (put on one's account). Rom. 4:3.
c) That individual is sealed by the Holy Spirit. Eph. 1:13‑14.
d) He is at the moment saving faith is exercised, not will be, a son of God. I John 3:2.
k. Christ is received. John 1:12‑13; Col. 1:27.
3. We must not only preach the right message but also practice the right method when dealing with the lost. To do so we must:
a. Allow the Holy Spirit time to finish His work.
b. Not lead someone in a prayer putting words in their mouth, but allowing the Holy Spirit time to produce Godly sorrow that causes the sinner to cry out to the Lord.
c. Not put pressure on the sinner. Many when they pray do so only with their head and not their heart, thus when the one dealing with that person ask them are they saved, they don't know. You put pressure on the individual if you use Rom. 10:13 as a basis of telling the individual that they call God a liar if they called and are not saved. I Cor. 12:3 states, "that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost." If one practices this method he will make many "tares," unsaved church members.
B. The second part of the Great Commission is to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Three things must be in effect for baptism to be scriptural.
1. Proper candidate.
a. One must bring fruit meet for repentance or he does not qualify for baptism. Mat. 3:8.
b. One must be born of the Word of God. I Peter 1:23. Water is a type of the word when used in a spiritual sense. Eph. 5:26. The water of John 3:5 is the same water as John 4:14a. This water refers to Jesus who is the Word. John 1:1 and 14.
c. One must be a son of God. John 1:12‑13. Jesus was baptized because he was the Son of God, not to become the Son of God.
2. Proper mode (manner).
a. The manner of baptism must picture the gospel of Christ which is the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Col. 2:12.
b. To picture a burial, one must be covered over. This can only be done by immersion.
c. Sprinkling is not scriptural because it does not picture the gospel of Christ.
3. Proper authority ‑ The authority was given in Mat. 28:19‑20 to the 11 apostles who were the nucleus of the church. I Cor. 12:28. Therefore, the church has the authority to baptize and not an individual. The individual only has the authority to baptize when the church grants it to him. You are baptized with water by the authority of the local church into that local church membership. Therefore, you can't have baptism without church membership or vice versa.
NOTE: Baptism is an ordinance given to the church and is not a requirement for salvation.
C. The third part of the Great Commission is to teach the saved to observe all things of the Word.
1. We must teach the ordinances to the church.
There are only two:
a. Baptism.
b. Lord's Supper.
c. Footwashing is not an ordinance, but an example showing that once we are saved, sin does not break sonship but fellowship. Therefore we need to be cleansed by the water of the Word daily. John 13:2‑10; 15:3; Eph. 5:26.
2. We must teach all the other doctrines that we will deal with individually.
A. Purpose ‑ It is a memorial of Christ's death. I Cor. 11:24‑26.
B. Who is to partake of the Lord's Supper? Members of a local congregation (church). I Cor. 11:18‑20. The Bible says when you come together. Each local church comes together in their own place of worship. We will all as believers come together at the rapture, but until then we are in a local congregation.
C. What elements are we to use? The elements are to be unleavened. These were commanded to be used in the feast of the passover each year in Exo. 12:14‑15. Unleaven means without seasoning, yeast, or fermentation.
1. Unleavened bread ‑ pictures the broken, sinless body of Jesus.
2. Unleavened fruit of the vine ‑ grape juice because wine as we know it today has leaven (yeast) in it and it is fermented. Unleavened fruit of the vine pictures the shed blood of Jesus.
NOTE: The word "wine" as used in the Bible is a generic word meaning "fruit of the vine" with the context determining what state the fruit is in. Jesus would never have made intoxicating wine or partook of it. Pro. 23:31; Hab. 2:15.
D. How often are we to observe the Lord's Supper? As often as you do it, do in remembrance of Jesus. I Cor. 11:25. Once a week would become a habit and meaningless.
E. God says to examine and judge yourself so as not to eat and drink unworthily. I Cor. 11:28; I John 1:9; I Cor. 11:31. To eat and drink unworthily brings weakness, sickness, and death. I Cor. 11:30.
NOTE: The Lord's Supper is an ordinance given to the church and not a requirement for salvation.
A. Moves in our darkness and confusion to bring us to a place to recognize that we are lost. This requires light. A type is found in Gen. 1:2. II Peter 1:19.
B. Draws a lost person to salvation ‑ John 6:44.
C. Convicts man of sin, righteousness, and judgement. John 16:7‑11.
D. Births the lost into God's family, John 3:5‑7; John 1:11‑13.
E. Indwells a saved person ‑ Rom. 8:9.
F. Seals a saved person ‑ Eph. 1:13-14; 4:30.
G. Assures one that he has been saved ‑ Rom. 8:16.
H. Guides saved into all truth ‑ John 16:13.
I. Leads saved in right paths ‑ Rom. 8:14; Gal. 5:16; Psa. 23:1‑3.
J. Fills the saved when we allow him to ‑ Eph. 5:18‑21.
A. Part of the armor of God. Eph. 6:18. Helps you to stand against the wiles of the devil.
B. Without ceasing. I Thess. 5:17.
C. In secret ‑ Mat. 6:6; Psa. 91:1.
VI. SIN ‑ I John. 5:17; I John. 3:4; James 4:17; Rom. 14:23. Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.
A. Sins of Commission ‑ doing what God tells you not to do.
B. Sins of Omission ‑ not doing what God told you to do.
C. Presumptuous sins ‑ taking things in your own hands, and not seeking God's will in making decisions, even so‑called "small decisions". Psa. 19:13.
D. Secret faults or sins of ignorance ‑ those sins we commit that we do not yet have knowledge as being sin. These sins are automatically forgiven if we walk in the light (confess those sins we know that are sin and obey what we know to obey). Psa. 19:12; I John 1:7.
E. Sin must be confessed to stay in fellowship with God. I John. 1:9.
F. Sin must be forsaken. Pro. 28:13.
A. Formative Discipline ‑ being corrected by the Word of God thereby growing in Grace. It is clear from the Scripture that Christians should be in a state of growth. I Peter 2:2; I Cor. 3:1‑3. We should not be as Heb. 5:12 indicates.
B. Corrective Discipline ‑ before this type of discipline has to be administered, preachers should preach the Word and not let down the standards of the Word. II Tim. 4:2; Isa. 58:1.
1. Discipline for a private offense. Mat. 18:15-17.
a. 1st step ‑ Go to him that committed the offense in private.
b. 2nd step ‑ Take 1 or 2 witnesses with you if he will not hear you in the 1st step.
c. 3rd step ‑ If he will not listen to you and the witnesses, then tell it to the church. If he will not hear the church, then cast him out as a heathen.
2. Discipline for public offenses ‑ when one commits a public offense and will not confess and get it right with the church, then we are commanded to withdraw fellowship from him. Public offenses include the following:
a. Rejection of any of the fundamental doctrines of the gospel. I Tim. 6:3‑5.
b. Anything that seriously disturbs the unity and peace of the church. Pro. 6:16‑19; I Tim. 5:20.
c. Disorderly and immoral conduct. II Thess. 3:6. This includes:
1) Breaking of the moral law without willingness to get it corrected.
2) Absence from church attendance for a prolonged period of time without logical excuse.
NOTE: Sin against the church is sin against Jesus. Acts 9:4‑5.
(There are two parts:)
A. First part of second coming = rapture.
1. Rapture is a word that stands for the catching away of the born again believers. I Thess. 4:13‑18. The word "rapture" is not in the Bible but the principle is.
2. The Lord himself, not some other Jesus, will come with a shout, voice of the archangel, and the trump of God. I Thess. 4:16; Acts 1:10‑11.
3. The saved that have died will be raised first. I Thess. 4:16.
4. The saved that are alive will be changed. I Thess. 4:17.
5. Then all the saved will meet the Lord in the air (I Thess. 4:17) and will be with him forever in glory. John 14:1‑3.
B. Second part of the Second Coming.
1. Rev. 19:11‑16 ‑ This is when Jesus comes riding a white horse and places his feet upon the Mount of Olives. Zech. 14:4.
2. Rev. 19:15 ‑ A sharp sword (His Word) goes out of His mouth and smites the nations.
3. Rev. 19:20 ‑ The beast and false prophet are cast into the lake of fire.
4. Rev. 20:1‑3 ‑ The Devil will be chained in the bottomless pit for a thousand years.
5. Rev. 20:6 ‑ The saved shall rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years.
A. Gen. 2:18‑24 ‑ Man and woman are joined together by God.
B. Luke 10:1‑12 ‑ Husband and wife are not to be separated by divorce or man.
C. A home must be in Bible order to be classified as a Christian home. Bible order is:
1. The children being in subjection to their parents. Eph. 6:1‑4; Col. 3:20‑21.
2. The wife being in subjection to the husband. Eph. 5:22; Col. 3:18.
3. The husband being in subjection to Christ because Christ is his head. I Cor. 11:3.
X. THE GOVERNMENT ‑ An institution ordained by God and given only two responsibilities. Rom. 13:1‑7.
A. Government is to promote that which is good.
B. Government is to execute judgment upon those who do evil.
A. When a person is saved, can he ever be lost again? NO. There is only one sin that sends a person to hell and that is unbelief. John 3:18. Once you believe on the Lord Jesus, you become a son (John 1:12) and you are not condemned any longer. John 3:18. Believing means to believe with the heart with saving faith and not with the head with intellectual faith. This is outlined in Doctrine II. A. 2. j. God's Word gives us reasons why you can't be lost after you are saved. These reasons are:
1. Eph. 1:13‑14; Eph. 4:30 ‑ When we are saved, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption at which time we will have a glorified body and be with Jesus forever.
2. Rom. 6:23b; John 5:24 ‑ God gives us eternal life which means forever. If we could lose that life after we are saved, then God's Word would be a lie. Thank God, His Word is not a lie and we can't lose eternal life.
3. John 10:27‑29 ‑ No man can pluck us out of the hand of God once we are saved. This even includes ourself. We can't pluck ourself out of his hand.
4. Rom. 8:35‑39 ‑ Nothing can separate us from the love of God when we are saved.
B. How did Jesus suffer to deliver me from the curse of sin? Gal. 3:13.
1. Luke 22:39‑46 ‑ He sweat as it were great drops of blood while in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
2. Mat. 26:57‑68 ‑ He was condemned and mocked.
3. Mat. 27:26 ‑ He was scourged with a Roman scourge called a "cat‑o'‑nine‑tails". This consisted of a whip that had nine strands on the end with a sharp object tied on each strand. The Jews applied 39 lashes when they punished with a whip. We do not know how many lashes the Romans applied, but we do know that the Roman scourging was the most severe. This left our Lord's back covered with stripes of which Isaiah prophesied in Isa. 53:5.
4. Mat. 27:30 ‑ He was crowned with a crown of thorns in mockery. This crowning brought more blood than a drop or two as most pictures try to portray.
5. Mat. 27:35‑38 ‑ He was nailed to a rugged cross and placed between two thieves.
6. Isa. 52:14 ‑ His body was marred, bruised, and torn so that he didn't even look like a human being.
7. Mat. 27:45‑46 ‑ Our sins were placed upon the sinless Son of God. The sun refused to shine and Jesus cried out to God. That was our sin on Him that caused Him to cry out to God.
8. John 19:28 ‑ Jesus cried, "I thirst" (the same thirst that caused the rich man in hell to call for one drop of water ‑ Luke 16:24) as He spent an eternity in hell while hanging on the cross. This was done by a miracle of God. He paid the sin debt for me and for you while hanging on the cross.
9. John 19:30‑34 ‑ When Jesus cried "It is finished", He died and a spear was thrust into His side from which flowed blood and water, showing that He died of a broken heart.
C. What day did Jesus die on the Cross? Tradition says Jesus died on Friday, but this cannot be the case and fulfill scripture. Mat. 12:40 says Jesus had to be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights which means 72 hours. This cannot be fulfilled if Jesus died on Friday and arose on Sunday morning. Tradition places His death on Friday due to the scripture saying that His body had to be off the cross before the sabbath. John 19:31 indicates the sabbath was not an ordinary one (Saturday) but one that had been observed since the children of Israel were delivered from bondage in Egypt. Exo. 12:14‑19. This sabbath or seventh day, varied from year to hear as to what day of the week it fell on. For scripture to be fulfilled, Jesus had to die on Wednesday afternoon for His body to be in the heart of the earth 72 hours. Mat. 28:1. Therefore, the special sabbath fell upon a Thursday.
D. When did Jesus pay our sin debt? Jesus paid our sin debt while hanging on the cross of Calvary. His relationship was a Father‑Son relationship when He was placed on the cross. Luke 23:34. He ceased to be in a Father‑Son relationship as sin was placed upon Him and He cried, "My God." Mat. 27:46‑47. He cried, "I thirst", which was a thirst of hell. John 19:28. Then He cried, "It is finished." John 19:30. The sin debt had been paid by a miracle of God.
E. After Jesus' death, where did He go for three days and three nights? At the death of Jesus, His spirit and soul were separated from His body. His body was placed in a borrowed tomb (Mat. 27:57‑60) while His spirit and soul went into the heart of the earth. Mat. 12:40.
F. Where in the heart of the earth did Jesus' soul and spirit go for three days? Before Jesus was resurrected, there were two compartments in the heart of the earth; a burning compartment (hell) and Abraham's Bosom (Paradise). These two compartments were separated by a fixed gulf. Luke 16:19‑26. While Jesus hung on the cross, He saved one of the thieves who called on Him as Lord, and He told the thief, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." Luke 23:42‑43. This verifies that Jesus paid the sin debt while on the cross. Therefore, His soul and spirit went into Abraham's Bosom or Paradise.
G. Where is Paradise today? Before Jesus' death, no one could enter into the presence of God. Therefore, all the Old Testament saints who died believing that Jesus was going to die on the cross for their sins were in captivity in Abraham's bosom. This captivity is spoken of as a prison in I Pet. 3:19 where Jesus preached to these spirits and told them that after three days and three nights we're going to leave the heart of the earth to be with the Father. We know this to be true because Eph. 4:8‑10 said He led captivity captive. Thus paradise in the heart of the earth is emptied and now it is in the third heaven. Paul in II Cor. 12:2‑4 spoke of paradise and the third heaven as being in the same place.
H. What are some facts about Hell?
1. Hell is a place of torments. Luke 16:23‑24.
2. Hell is a place where there is fire and worms. Mark 9:43‑48.
3. Hell is a place prepared for the devil and his angels. Mat. 25:41.
4. All who reject the blood of Jesus are wicked and they will be cast into hell. Psa. 9:17.
5. Hell is in the heart of the earth. Isa. 14:9.
I. What is the sabbath and what relation does it have to the Christian? The sabbath day is the seventh day of the week which is Saturday. God rested on the seventh day of creation. Gen. 2:1‑3. The law of God states for man to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Exo. 20:8‑11. Israel was commanded to do no work on the sabbath day because it is a day of rest. Lev. 23:1‑3. The sabbath day under law is a shadow or type of the rest that we as saved individuals have in Christ. Col. 2:14‑17. There is rest seven days a week, not only on Saturday, for the believer. Heb. 4:9‑11. The believer is not under the law of God. I Tim. 1:9. Therefore, we worship the Lord on the Lord's Day or the first day of the week because of the resurrection of Jesus. Rev. 1:10; I Cor. 16:2; Heb. 10:25.
J. What is worship? Worship means showing reverence for deity. Reverence means to bow down to deity. Deity is the triune God who dwells bodily in Jesus Christ. Col. 2:9. Therefore, we are to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and truth. John 4:24.
K. How many resurrections and judgments are there for man? Most people have been taught that there is one general resurrection and one general judgment of man. This is false teaching, because the Bible is clear in that there are two resurrections and two judgments for man. Rev. 20:4‑5 speaks of a first resurrection. If there is a first there must be another to follow. There is a resurrection of the just for those who have done good (by receiving Jesus Christ's shed blood for saving power) and a resurrection of damnation for those who have done evil (by never believing on the Lord Jesus Christ). John 5:29. The first resurrection is that of the just. They will be blessed and none of this resurrection shall have any part in the second death (hell). Rev. 20:5‑6. They will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to be judged for the things done in their bodies, not to determine Heaven or Hell, but to determine rewards received. II Cor. 5:10. The "all" referred to in II Cor. 5:10 is very definitely established to be the saved and not the lost in II Cor. 5:1‑9. Rev. 20:5 states that after the first resurrection the rest of the dead lived not again for one thousand years. The only ones dead are those who never believed on the Lord Jesus. Rev. 20:7 speaks of the happenings after the thousand years are expired. Rev. 20:12‑15 shows the second resurrection. The lost will stand before the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11) to be judged according to their works (Rev. 20:13), not to determine Heaven or Hell, but to determine what place they will occupy in Hell. There is not any scriptural teaching of one general resurrection and one general judgment. The scripture shows without any doubt that there are two resurrections and two judgments. Your believing on the Lord Jesus Christ or your remaining in unbelief will determine which resurrection and judgment you will be in. Where will you be?
L. What is the millennium reign of Christ? Millennium means thousand. Christ will reign upon the earth 1,000 years. The Devil (tempter) will be chained in the bottomless pit during this time. Rev. 20:1‑3. Those who are in the first resurrection will reign with Christ. Rev. 20:4. The millennium, is the thousand years between the first and second resurrection.
M. Should a Christian drink strong drink or wine? The Bible is very outspoken against strong drink. Pro. 23:29‑32. It even commands not to look upon wine, speaking of fermented wine. Pro. 23:31. Hab. 2:15 even pronounces judgment upon the man who sells wine or strong drink. Some contend that Jesus made wine in John 2. Yes, He made wine but not fermented wine. Wine in the Bible is a general word to describe all forms of the fruit of the vine, which include grape juice, moist grapes, dried grapes, and fermented wine. We are commanded to study (II Tim. 2:15) so we can rightly divide God's Word. Wine as we know it today is wrong for a Christian to consume and God said one was not wise if he did. Pro. 20:1.
N. What is the Trinity of God? The Trinity of God is three co‑equal, co‑eternal, co‑existent persons of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is just as much God as the Father, and the Holy Spirit is just as much God as the Father and the Son, yet they all three are one. John 10:30. All three were present in the beginning because God said "Let us make man" signifying more than one present. Gen. 1:26. All three were present at the Baptism of Jesus. Mat. 3:16‑17. The Son was baptized, the Father spoke, and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.
O. What about divine miracle healing? Jesus is the divine healer. All healing is of God and is manifested through the local church by calling for the elders (pastors) of the local church. James 5:14‑15. This is not to be done for show as many are doing today, with their healing crusades. Any preacher who brags that he has a gift of healing is not of God. When one is filled with the Holy Spirit and is being used of God, he will brag on Jesus. John 16:13‑14. God must get all the glory because all healing is of God.
P. Is speaking in tongues scriptural? Tongues are literal languages. When the scripture speaks of other tongues, it means other languages. Those who spoke in tongues in the Book of Acts had a language barrier to cross so that men from different nations might hear and understand. Each listener heard the message spoken in his own native tongue (language). Acts 2:6‑8; Acts 10:45‑46. In I Cor. 14:2, the word "unknown" is in italics in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. All words in italics in the KJV are not in the original, but were placed there by the translators. The Church of Corinth had many problems and Paul was trying to instruct them in the right way. He reprimanded them for their carnality, their immaturity, their immorality, and began to deal with the problem the church had with tongues in I Cor. chapters 12,13 and 14. Paul said that he spoke with tongues more than they all. I Cor. 14:18. This he did, because Paul spoke many languages that were needed on his missionary journeys to preach the gospel to the lost. He said he had rather speak five words with understanding than 10,000 in an "unknown" tongue. I Cor. 14:19. This should tell us something about the use of tongues today. The way people use tongues today is not scriptural because they are not crossing a language barrier. Most places where the so‑called "unknown" tongues are used there is confusion. The Devil is the author of confusion. I Cor. 14:33.
Q. Should a local church join the World Council of Churches? NO. The World Council of Churches is where all "churches" with different beliefs come together on a so‑called "common ground". We have no common ground with apostate churches which teach another gospel for they are cursed. Gal. 1:8‑9. How can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3:3. God commands us not to be unequally yoked together. II Cor. 6:14‑17. II John 9‑11 says not to receive anyone in your house (church) who does not bring the doctrine of Christ for you will be partaker of their evil deeds. I John 4:1‑3 says try the spirits and any spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is not of God. Confesseth means to believe the virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious death, resurrection, intercessory work, second coming, and the rule and reign of Jesus upon this earth, or simply believe the truth of Jesus. Most of those in the World Council of Churches deny some of these truths, therefore they are antichrist or against Christ. The Bible commands us to come out from among them. II Cor. 6:17. The World Council of Churches is a forerunner of the one‑world church of the end time. It is ecclesiastical Babylon headed up by the false prophet (one part of the Devil's false trinity) and it's destruction is pronounced along with the one‑world government (political Babylon) in Rev. 17 and 18. God's Word commands for His people to come out of her. Rev. 18:4.
R. How should a Christian dress? A Christian should dress in modest (decent; not obscene) clothing with shamefacedness. I Tim. 2:9. Shamefacedness means when a Christian dresses immodestly that the Holy Spirit that lives inside them would cause them to blush with shame. A Christian should not dress to follow the fashions of the world. Rom. 12:2; I John 2:15.
S. Where is a Christian woman's place in the home and church? A woman is to be in subjection unto her own husband because he is her head. Likewise the husband is to be in subjection to Christ who is his head. I Cor. 11:3. Her place in the home is to care for the needs of her family. Pro. 31:11‑27. She is not to be treated like a slave. She is the helpmeet. Gen. 2:18. A woman who fulfills her duty in the home is to be praised. Pro. 31:28. Her worth is far above rubies. Pro. 31:10. Christian woman is not to teach or usurp authority over the man. I Tim. 2:12. This would disqualify any woman from being a preacher. God never calls a woman to preach his word. When business of the church is to be conducted, women are to be silent. I Tim. 2:11; I Cor. 13:34‑35.
T. Is the Bible God's Word or man's? The Bible is God's Word. II Tim. 3:16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God. This means it is God breathed. Every word from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 is from God and there is not one contradiction in the Bible. Every prophecy has been or will be fulfilled just like His Word says. God chose human instruments to pen the words, but the words were breathed by the Holy Ghost (Spirit). II Peter 1:21. If we are saved, we have the same Holy Spirit who breathed the Word living in us (Rom. 8:9) and He will write it fresh on our hearts daily if we will study it. II Tim. 2:15.